Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer picks

Make no mistake about it--Summer is my favorite season! The only downside is that sometimes, it's just too hot to eat. So while I cook a little less, I do have a few simple things I seem to be growing quite attached to as we hit the mid 90s...

1. Greek Yogurt

I eat a lot of yogurt, usually Yoplait Light. I got really curious about Greek yogurt a few weeks ago because I kept hearing about all the great health benefits. So I looked it up and sure enough it has nearly double the protein as regular yogurt, while staying relatively close in fat in calories. You can easily get fat free, and only about 10 additional calories--but the trade off for double the protein is completely worth it. If you like thicker yogurt, and I do, definitely give it a try. But keep in mind, not all Greek yogurt is created equal when it comes to taste! Believe me, I've tried all kinds. There are not as many flavors as you find with other Blueberry Pie or any of those other flavors that annoying woman on the Yoplait commercials goes on and on about. But so far both Yoplait and Dannon make plain, vanilla honey, strawberry and blueberry flavors. At Whole Foods I saw another brand with caramel. If you want to try out Greek yogurt, please please please get the Dannon! I was so disappointed going through the Yoplait, but I wasn't ready to give up. The Dannon flavors are by far the best. In the mornings I like to empty the container into a cereal bowl and add fresh berries and that new low-fat Special K Granola. I love parfaits...but just remember the ones you make yourself will always be better! Also worth noting that when I would eat the 100 calorie Yoplait, I'd be starving by lunch. With Greek yogurt, I stay full all morning. So that's huge for me. Also avoid the plain. It's a great substitute for sour cream...but it's a great substitute for a reason...

2. Veggie Sandwiches

Obviously I'm no vegetarian. I often tease Bobby that he wouldn't have even dated me if I had been...which he doesn't find funny one bit! But I've liked veggie sandwiches since high school. They remind me of Kate :) They're great because they're obviously pretty low in fat and calories, and you can always make something different. So I've been giving myself a few extra minutes in the morning to plan for additional slicing time. With extra-fiber whole grain bread (about 60-70 calories per slice), I'll add 2 Tbs of reduced fat chive and onion cream cheese to one side. Then top with sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper (switch up the color for new flavors), and sprouts. For extra flavor, I've discovered that adding whole fresh basil leaves is great. If you're not a cream cheese person, you can add Dijon mustard and/or another slice of cheese like Havarti or provolone.

3. Gigantic bowls of fruit salad

This is not a new thing in my kitchen! Every Sunday during the summer time, Bobby and I raid the produce section and bring home anything and everything that's fresh. I wash the berries, he chops the melons, pineapples, and kiwis, and we throw everything into a HUGE bowl. The biggest one we have clean at the time usually. It usually lasts 3-5 days depending on the quantity, and we eat it as snacks, desserts, or side dishes all week long. No need to add poppy-seed dressing (gag me!) because a good mix will have tons of flavor and that's just a filler. The only thing to note about gigantic fruit salads is that you don't want to add bananas (they turn brown) or cherries (pits!). We keep those around all summer too, but eat them separately. But otherwise: watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, kiwi, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are our favorites!

4. Smoothie King

With as much fruit and yogurt I keep around, you'd think I'd be all about making fresh smoothies. And I do recommend it if you can. But I'm lazy and don't like cleaning my blender that often! So I hit up Smoothie King whenever possible :)

5. Banana Coladas

Bobby and I discovered the magic of banana coladas on our honeymoon in Antigua. We now make them whenever we can find coconut milk, and bring them to the pool in freezer cups. I'm not really sure if that's allowed, but the lifeguard hasn't turned us away yet. To make a banana colada add ice, dark rum, coconut milk, fresh ripe bananas (read: brown), and powdered sugar. You may want more/less sugar depending on your preferences.

Other non-food related things I'm into right now: Yoga, spray tanning, and sundresses. I'm also starting a new blog that I wish I would have started three years ago about our whole med world, really...experience. The link is over on the right column. I haven't started it yet, but I will this weekend. Just something to share our experiences, help me process things, and try to show others what our life is like as we wrap med school and enter residency in the year to come. Because if one more person thinks I'm exaggerating when I say 80hrs a week, I might hit them. 80 hours if we're LUCKY! See...I need an outlet HA!


  1. 1.) I tried the plain greek yogurt- blech!!! The kind with fruit is yummy though. I've only had the "Chobani" brand...

    2.) Canned peach pie filling isn't fresh...but it adds a nice yummy "glaze" to fruit salad!

    3.) The Smoothie King near us suddenly disappeared! :(

    4.) I'm currently doing Jillian Michael's "Yoga Meltdown" dvd....YIKES. There's a reason it says, "Lose up to 5 pounds in one week!" on the front...

    5.) Look forward to the med school themed blog. Do you mean 80 hours a week during residency? I hope you don't mean now because if so, Shon is a slacker. ;)

  2. Ha! Yes I meant next year. Bobby was like "You shouldn't distribute medical advice." Duh, don't plan to! I might pick up the Jillian Michael's dvd though! She's TOUGH!
