Monday, September 7, 2009

Back to...Blogging?

OK so clearly I don't cook a whole lot in the summer. That's not to say I didn't try a few new recipes (on which I plan to do some retroactive posting on because, like a L'Oreal commercial, they're worth it). But summer is just not the most consistent time to be in the kitchen. And quite frankly after seeing Julie and Julia I felt a little bit like a cooking blog poser! So to that end I will say--I am in no way attempting to copy anyone or any idea. If you are looking for Julia Child-esque recipes, this is NOT the blog for you. I err on the side of Rachel Ray, and would like to reiterate that, with few exceptions, the majority of these recipes are going to be under an hour (and preferably 30 minutes) and weeknight-friendly. I am simply someone who likes to eat and share easy recipes for things others who also like to eat and don't have all day in the kitchen.

So my sister-in-law recommended I make a "triumphant" return to blogging on the first day of Fall...which I believe is the 21st or somewhere around there. But I personally mark Labor Day Weekend the official conclusion of summer--a time to trade in my summer-spirited red and pink Kate Spade tote for my practical, albeit still stylish, black leather Coach carry-all. Therefore, Labor Day is as good a time as any to get back to it.

And for anyone interested in tidbits other than cooking, you can continue reading. All-in-all we had a very nice summer--as Louisville summer's often are. Bobby spent several weeks up in the Cincinnati area doing a Family Medicine rotation with an emphasis in rural medicine. This contributed heavily to my lack of planned summer meals. He's now wrapping up his Psychiatry rotation, which means our dinner conversation steers in the direction of misguided or failed suicide attempts and other unpleasant aspects of Psychosis. Fortunately for Bobby he's found Psych much more interesting than he originally thought and has enjoyed his time there. Up next is Internal Medicine until Christmas. He'll be doing two weeks of career explorations during that time, and has chosen to focus on a week in Orthopedics and a week in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. I'm sure med spouses everywhere are clucking their tongues with sympathy for me--and I'll take it :-)

I spent the summer working, working, and working some more. Babysitting interns is exhausting. Others get to spend their summer letting things slide, whereas my past few summers have been filled with late nights, forced mingling, and pre-campus stress. Fortunately this was all capped between a lovely weekend in Charleston on one end and a lovely long weekend in Seattle and a visit from T&C on the other. And if you follow me on Facebook you know that this summer was also dedicated to taking Gus to Puppy School! Despite initial concerns leading to several glasses of wine after each class, he GRADUATED! Think old school 90210 and sing with me now--Gus Gibbons Graduates! Gus Gibbons Graduates! And finally, Shadow Belle spent her summer trying to kill wasps through the screen door and sleeping in the sunshine while everyone worshiped her as the Princess of the Gibbons House that she is.

Now that any readers I have left are either caught up on Gibbons life or bored senseless, let's get back to dinner! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Anne....when are you going to write a book!? I love your writing :) LOVE the Gus Gibbons Graduates part!! haha... too funny. We had so much fun with you guys-- what a precious family... and AWESOME food at every meal, of course! Can't wait to read about more recipes ...and more puppy/kitty antics :)
